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Structural and Functional Analyses of the Acidic and Basic Amino Acid Repeat Sequence (DDRK) in Pif 80 from Pinctada fucata on the Aragonite Crystal Surface Using NMR. 2023. 23. 7. 5264-5278
Pooppadi Maxin Sayeesh, Teppei Ikeya, Haruka Sugasawa, Riki Watanabe, Masaki Mishima, Kohsuke Inomata, Yutaka Ito. Insight into the C-terminal SH3 domain mediated binding of Drosophila Drk to Sos and Dos. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 2022. 625. 87-93
Hiromasa Yagi, Takuma Kasai, Elisa Rioual, Teppei Ikeya, Takanori Kigawa. Molecular mechanism of glycolytic flux control intrinsic to human phosphoglycerate kinase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2021. 118. 50
大久保里佳, 堀川皓央, 伊藤かおり, 菱倉直樹, 渡邉吏輝, 三島正規, 三島正規, 猪股晃介, 小手石泰康, 澤井仁美, et al. 異種核多次元NMRによる根粒菌マルチドメイン蛋白質FixJの立体構造解析. Abstracts. Annual Meeting of the NMR Society of Japan. 2023. 62nd (CD-ROM)
渡邉吏輝, SAYEESH Pooppadi Maxin, 末元雄介, 木川隆則, 三島正規, 猪股晃介, 池谷鉄兵, 伊藤隆. NMRを用いたアダプター蛋白質Drkの動態解析. Abstracts. Annual Meeting of the NMR Society of Japan. 2020. 59th
田端真彩子, 池谷鉄兵, 美川務, 川端庸平, 安藤考史, 館野桂太, 三島正規, 伊藤隆. PRE,PCSを用いたマルチドメイン蛋白質Grb2の立体構造解析. Abstracts. Annual Meeting of the NMR Society of Japan. 2020. 59th