J-GLOBAL ID:201201088894457463   更新日: 2024年07月16日

近郷 匠

コンゴウ タクミ | Kongo Takumi
職名: 教授
ホームページURL (1件): https://sites.google.com/site/takumikongo/
研究分野 (1件): 理論経済学
研究キーワード (4件): 科学計量学 ,  オークション理論 ,  マッチング理論 ,  ゲーム理論
競争的資金等の研究課題 (9件):
  • 2022 - 2027 協力・非協力ハイブリッドモデルによる提携形成と利得分配の新しい分析
  • 2019 - 2024 公平な順位決定ルールと利益分配ルール
  • 2017 - 2022 協力ゲームにおける提携形成と利得分配の実験と新しい理論構築
  • 2015 - 2019 公平性を中心とした集団的意思決定における配分・評価の理論分析
  • 2012 - 2015 最小費用木問題における効率的かつ公平(衡平)な費用分担ルール設計
論文 (24件):
  • Takumi Kongo. Equal support from others for unproductive players: efficient and linear values that satisfy the equal treatment and weak null player out properties for cooperative games. Annals of Operations Research. 2024
  • Koji Yokote, Takumi Kongo, Yukihiko Funaki. Correction to: Redistribution to the less productive: parallel characterizations of the egalitarian Shapley and consensus values (Theory and Decision, (2021), 91, 1, (81-98), 10.1007/s11238-020-09781-1). Theory and Decision. 2021. 91. 1. 99
  • Koji Yokote, Takumi Kongo, Yukihiko Funaki. Redistribution to the less productive: parallel characterizations of the egalitarian Shapley and consensus values. Theory and Decision. 2021. 91. 1. 81-98
  • Similarities in axiomatizations: equal surplus division value and first-price auctions. Review of Economic Design. 2020. 24. 3-4. 199-213
  • Koji Yokote, Takumi Kongo, Yukihiko Funaki. Correction to: Relationally equal treatment of equals and affine combinations of values for TU games (Social Choice and Welfare, (2019), 53, 2, (197-212), 10.1007/s00355-019-01180-y). Social Choice and Welfare. 2019. 53. 3. 555
講演・口頭発表等 (42件):
  • A family of values that satisfies efficiency and two fairness requirements assuming three players
    (Waseda Game Theory and Experimental Economics Workshop 2024)
  • Efficient and fair solutions in cooperative games
    (14th meeting on Japan Association of Political Economy 2023)
  • Efficient and fair solutions in cooperative games
    (International Conference on Distributive Justice and Fair Allocation 2023)
  • Equal support from others for unproductive players: efficient and linear values that satisfy the equal treatment and weak null player out properties for cooperative games
    (The Summer Workshop on Game Theory and Experimental Economics 2022)
  • Efficient and linear values that satisfy the equal treatment and weak null player out properties for cooperative games
    (2022 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society in East and South-East Asia)
学歴 (1件):
  • 2007 - 2011 早稲田大学 経済学研究科 理論経済学・経済史
学位 (4件):
  • 学士(経済学) (早稲田大学)
  • 修士(経済学) (早稲田大学)
  • 博士(経済学) (早稲田大学)
  • Ph.D (Economics) (Waseda University)
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