“Bloodying God: Crucifixion and the Image”, in Image, Phenomenon, and Imagination in the Phenomenology of Religious Experience
Baum, Libri Nigri Series 2021
Blurred: Selves Made and Selves Making
Brill Academic 2020
Father Forgive Us, for We Know Not What We Do
Ausam Books 2020
“The Urakami “Fourth Wave” Persecution and the Tosa Domain: Hidden Christians, Maria Kannon statues, and the flow of history and faith” in 講演・シンポジウム:民話について考える:言語文化の視座から[Symposium Proceedings: Thinking about Folklore: From the Viewpoint of Linguistic Culture]
University of Kochi Press 2020
Exploring a Lifeworld through a Gravesite: Shikoku’s First Hidden Chrisitians
(22nd Annual Japan Association of Religion and Ethics Conference 2021)
Hidden Ideas in Hidden Christian Shikoku: Phenomenology, psychology, ethics
(13th Annual Japan Association for Contemporary and Applied Philosophy Conference 2021)
The Intuitive Self and Identitarian Threats: Short-circuiting Automatic Reactions
(Denial Interrupted: Conspiracy, Honesty and Finding Our Way Digital Conference hosted by the Westar Institute 2021)
Moses Sitting Zen: Buddhism’s ‘No’, Judaism’s ‘Yes’: Some thoughts on life affirmation via selected Hebrew narratives
(Presented at the 21st Annual Japan Association of Religion and Ethics Conference, Nara City, Nara 2020)
Pandemics, Religion, Intuitions: Reducing the concept of divinity
(Presented at the (Ir)Rationality and Religiosity During Pandemics: Phenomenological Criticism SOPHERE (Society for the Phenomenology of Religious Experience) Supplemental Research Webinar, hosted virtually by the University of Vienna, Austria 2020)