研究キーワード (2件):
, strategic behavior, ventures, comparative institutional analysis, socioeconomic competition, educational competition, location rents, work time
論文 (17件):
リティシェフ ディミトリ. Stock Price Performance of a Portfolio of Japanese Ventures After IPO. 学習院大学経済論集. 2023. 60. 3. 197-215
リティシェフ ディミトリ. Talent vs. Wealth in a Credentials Race: A Theoretical Study. 学習院大学経済論集. 2021. 58. 3. 187-202
リティシェフ ディミトリ. Competing to belong and working to pay for it: a socioeconomic model of the link between productivity and work-life balance. International Review of Economics. 2020. 67. 4. 533-548
リティシェフ ディミトリ. Intensity of Effort in Contests with Few or Many Winners. 学習院大学経済論集. 2020. 57. 1-2. 93-108
リテイシエフ デイミトリ. A Study of How Pursuit of Wealth Rank Distorts Risk Preferences. 学習院大学経済論集. 2019. 55. 4. 155-172
Roadblocks on the Information Highway: The IT Revolution in Japanese Education
Lexington Books 2003 ISBN:9780739106280
講演・口頭発表等 (30件):
How Silicon Valley startups allocate risks and rewards among founders, employees and investors
(トレント大学イノベーション講座 2019)
Strategic Games Among Individuals, Schools and Firms that Make Ventures Risky in Japan but not in Silicon Valley
(トレント大学経済経営学部セミナー 2019)
A socioeconomic simulation of agents competing to belong and working to pay for it
(Social Simulation Conference 2019 2019)
How Venture Risk is Managed in Silicon Valley
(青山学院大学大学院国際マネジメント研究科 2016)
An exploration of the link between vulnerability and cooperation in human interactions through the lens of evolutionary game theory
(Vulnerability and Gift in Economics and Business 2016)