J-GLOBAL ID:201301051691285809   更新日: 2014年04月19日

大下 剛

オオシタツヨシ | OSHITA Tsuyoshi
職名: Doctoral Researcher/ Student
研究キーワード (10件): 災害コミュニケーション ,  クライシスコミュニケーション ,  リスクコミュニケーション ,  広告 ,  ジャーナリズム ,  科学コミュニケーション ,  コミュニケーション ,  社会学 ,  広報 ,  メディア
論文 (3件):
  • 大下剛. Climate change on trial: An analysis of the media coverage of Climategate. The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses. 2014
  • 大下剛. When will people speak out? Integrating the spiral of silence and the situational theory of publics. Journal of Public Relations Research. 2014
  • 大下剛. Framing of climate change in newspaper coverage of the East Anglia e-­mail scandal. Public Understanding of Science. 2012
講演・口頭発表等 (7件):
  • Repairing image of nuclear power after the Fukushima accident
    (The 17th annual International Public Relations Research Conference 2014)
  • Nuclear Energy Preparedness and Crisis Communication in the Midwest. News Media and Corporate Perspective Analysis
    (The 2014 International Crisis and Risk Communication (ICRC) Conference 2014)
  • The Role of the Technology in Helping English as Second Language Students Become Better Writers at the Graduate School Level
    (The 20th International Conference on Learning 2013)
  • Enhancing English-­Language Business-­Writing Skills of International Graduate Students: An Evaluation of a Special Seminar Series
    (Global Advances in Business Communication (GABC) 4th Annual Tricontinental Conference 2012)
  • When Will People Speak Out? Integrating the Spiral of Silence and the Situational Theory of Publics.
    (The 15th annual meeting of the Institute for Public Relations Research Conference 2012)
学位 (3件):
  • 修士(社会情報学) (東京大学)
  • 学士(社会学) (一橋大学)
  • M.A. (with Distinction) in International Public Relations (Cardiff University)
所属学会 (1件):
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
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