Morikazu Hirose, Kei Mineo, Keiya Tabe. The Influence of Personal Data Usage on Mobile Apps. ADVANCES IN ADVERTISING RESEARCH, VOL 7: BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN ADVERTISING ACADEMIA AND PRACTICE. 2017. 101-113
田部渓哉. ARF『Journal of Advertising Research』よりコーズ・リレイテッド・マーケティングの計画は慎重に!:援助期間・製品・社会問題の最適な組み合わせに関する研究(原題:How Cause Marketing Campaign Factors Affect Attitudes and Purchase Intention: Choosing the Right Mix of Product And Cause Types with Time Duration)【論文抄訳】. 日経広告研究所報. 2021. 318. 80-83
田部渓哉. ARF『Journal of Advertising Research』より 広告で訴える「熱意」が消費者をどう動かすか:熱意の表明がブランド評価に及ぼす影響(原題:The Effects of Communicating Passion in Advertising: How Messages Like “We Love What We Do!” Shape People's Product and Brand Evaluations)【論文抄訳】. 日経広告研究所報. 2020. 312. 76-79
田部渓哉. ARF『Journal of Advertising Research』より フリークエンシーと購買意図の関係を再考する:刺さる広告表現はフリークエンシーによって決まる?(原題:Revisiting the Relationship between Ad Frequency and Purchase Intentions: How Affect and Cognition Mediate Outcomes At Different Levels of Advertising Frequency)【論文抄訳】. 日経広告研究所報. 2019. 306. 62-65
The Role of Sustainable Perceived Value on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: The Case of Fashion Product
(2023 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul 2023)