J-GLOBAL ID:201301079932790480   更新日: 2024年08月26日

グライアム ロブソン

Robson Graham
職名: 教授
研究分野 (1件): 英文学、英語圏文学
研究キーワード (1件): Autonomy
論文 (47件):
  • Attitudes of Students to Taking Part in a short SDG-based Study Tour of Thailand. Journal of Tourism Studies. 2024. 23
  • Student Feedback of English Tourism Curriculum Based around Projects. Bulletin for Toyo University Journal of human Sciences. 2024. 26. 1-14
  • Skills used and student reaction to an oral communication class. Journal of Tourism Studies. 2023. 22. 1-12
  • A short overseas SDG-based program in the faculty of International Tourism. Journal of Tourism Studies. 2023. 22. 13-25
  • Student Evaluating an Online Lunchtime Foreign Culture Course in ITM. Journal of Tourism Studies. 2023. 21
MISC (2件):
  • ROBSON Graham. 東洋大学ランゲージセンターの直面している問題. 観光学研究 = Journal of tourism studies. 2017. 16. 59-67
  • Graham ROBSON. The TOEIC IP as a Placement Tool for the Facultyof Regional Studies. 観光学研究. 2013. 12. 59-68
講演・口頭発表等 (21件):
  • Student Feedback of English Tourism Project Curriculum Based around Projects
    (The 63rd JACET International Convention: Aichi University, Nagoya Campus 2024)
  • Teacher Collaboration to create a year-long Project focused tourism curriculum
    (Task-Based Language Teaching in Asia Conference (2024), Meijo University, Nagoya 2024)
  • Sharing experiences of implementing a collaborative writing task for university students
    (JALT TBLT Sig Roundtable Discussion: Kanagawa University 2023)
  • More steps towards an English major
    (The 62nd JACET International Convention: Meiji University 2023)
  • Rationale for and student evaluation of live cultural-themed lectures
    (JALT Pansig Conference: Kyoto Sangyo University. 2023)
学位 (2件):
  • 博士(教育学)
  • TESOL (graduate) (Temple University Japan)
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