Ono, Masumi, Petrić, Bojana. Direct quotations in the rhetorical structure of literature PhD thesis introductions. English Text Construction. 2022. 15. 1. 30-67
大野真澄. Japanese university students’ integrated writing skills in listening-to-write tasks. 教養論叢. 2021. 142. 89-110
Yamanishi, H, Ono, M, Hijikata, Y. Developing a scoring rubric for L2 summary writing: a hybrid approach combining analytic and holistic assessment. Language Testing in Asia. 2019. 9. 13. 1-22
Ono, M, Yamanishi, H, Hijikata, Y. Holistic and analytic assessments of the TOEFL iBT® integrated writing task. 日本言語テスト学会誌. 2019. 22. 22. 65-88
"Approach to writing from readers’ perspectives: Incorporating self-evaluation, peer feedback, and self-reflection into academic writing" In L. Waller & S. Waller (Eds.), Higher education: New approaches to accreditation, digitalization, and globalization in the age of Covid
IntechOpen 2021
"Approach to writing from readers’ perspectives: Incorporating self-evaluation, peer feedback, and self-reflection into academic writing" In L. Waller & S. Waller (Eds.), Higher education: New approaches to globalization, digitalization, and accreditation
IntechOpen 2021
Triangulating self, peer, and teacher assessment of L2 summary writing in Japanese universities
(43rd Language Testing Research Colloquium (Online) 2022)
Paraphrasing in L2 summaries: Comparing reading-to-write and listening-to-write tasks
(The Writing Research Across Borders Conference 2021)
Linguistic challenges of inductive discourse: Analysis of L2 writers’ historical discussion essays
(12th Symposium on Writing Centers in Asia 2020)