J-GLOBAL ID:201302194640964506   整理番号:13A0383260

Global existence of classical solutions to systems of wave equations with critical nonlinearity in three space dimensions

著者 (1件):
巻: 52  号:ページ: 609-632  発行年: 2000年 
JST資料番号: O3164A  ISSN: 0025-5645  資料種別: 逐次刊行物 (A)
発行国: その他 (ZZZ)  言語: 英語 (EN)
引用文献 (11件):
  • 1) R. Agemi and K. Yokoyama, The null condition and global existence to the system of wave equations with different speeds, Advances in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Stochastics, Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences, 48 (edited by S. Kawashima and T. Yanagisawa), World Scientific, 1998, 43-86.
  • 2) B. Hanouzet and J.-L. Joly, Applications bilinéaires compatibles avec un opérateur hyperbolique, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré-Analyse Non Linéaire, 4, 1987, 357-376.
  • 3) A. Hoshiga and H. Kubo, Global small amplitude solutions of nonlinear hyperbolic systems with a critical exponent under the null condition, preprint.
  • 4) F. John, Lower bounds for the life span of solutions of nonlinear wave equations in three space dimensions, Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 36, 1983, 1-35.
  • 5) F. John, Nonlinear wave equations, Formation of singularities, Pitcher lectures in the Math. Sci., Lehigh Univ., American Math. Soc., 1990.
タイトルに関連する用語 (2件):
