Ryota Okamura, Katsuki Kikuchi, Akito Taniguchi, Kenichiro Nagai, Reiko Seki, Satoshi Ohte, Taichi Ohshiro, Masashi Ando, Teruyoshi Tanaka, Takashi Fukuda. The new seriniquinone glycoside by biological transformation using the deep sea-derived bacterium Bacillus licheniformis KDM612. The Journal of antibiotics. 2024
Akito Taniguchi, Shota Nishimura, Mitsuru Eguchi. Coral mucus effects on bacterial growth, respiration, and grazing mortality in reef systems. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2024. 573. 152003-152003
Akito Taniguchi, Yuki Kuroyanagi, Ryuichiro Aoki, Mitsuru Eguchi. Community Structure and Predicted Functions of Actively Growing Bacteria Responsive to Released Coral Mucus in Surrounding Seawater. Microbes and environments. 2023. 38. 3
Taniguchi, A., Kawagishi, T., Tanaka, A., Takata, S.-Y., Hagimoto, T., Shirakashi, S., Fujiwara-Nagata, E., Eguchi, M. Addition of the biodegradable polymer poly(butylene succinate-co-adipate) improves rotifer growth and prevents contamination. Aquaculture Science. 2023. 71. 2. 75-86
Akito Taniguchi, Ryuichiro Aoki, Isamu Inoue, Mitsuru Eguchi. Succession of the intestinal bacterial community in Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) larvae. PLOS ONE. 2022. 17. 10. e0275211-e0275211