J-GLOBAL ID:201401033080283362   更新日: 2024年10月23日

柴田 和久

Shibata Kazuhisa
職名: チームリーダー
その他の所属(所属・部署名・職名) (2件):
ホームページURL (1件): https://shibatalab.riken.jp/
研究分野 (1件): 認知脳科学
研究キーワード (4件): 意識 ,  脳イメージング ,  視覚 ,  学習
競争的資金等の研究課題 (10件):
  • 2020 - 2023 潜在認知過程による限界の制御とその突破
  • 2020 - 2023 心脳限界のメカニズム解明とその突破
  • 2020 - 2023 心脳限界のメカニズム解明とその突破
  • 2019 - 2023 慢性疼痛に対する認知行動療法の効果を向上させる脳内ネットワーク刺激戦略
  • 2019 - 2023 興奮抑制バランス操作による脳の可塑性メカニズムの理解
論文 (30件):
  • Atsushi Kikumoto, Apoorva Bhandari, Kazuhisa Shibata, David Badre. A transient high-dimensional geometry affords stable conjunctive subspaces for efficient action selection. Nature communications. 2024. 15. 1. 8513-8513
  • Atsushi Kikumoto, Apoorva Bhandari, Kazuhisa Shibata, David Badre. A Transient High-dimensional Geometry Affords Stable Conjunctive Subspaces for Efficient Action Selection. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology. 2023
  • Yoko Higuchi, Ethan Oblak, Kazuhisa Shibata. Distinct brain mechanisms of remembering individual events and their relationships. Journal of Vision. 2022. 22. 14. 3210-3210
  • Zhiyan Wang, Masako Tamaki, Sebastian M. Frank, Kazuhisa Shibata, Michael S. Worden, Takashi Yamada, Mitsuo Kawato, Yuka Sasaki, Takeo Watanabe. Visual perceptual learning of a primitive feature in human V1/V2 as a result of unconscious processing, revealed by decoded functional MRI neurofeedback (DecNef). Journal of Vision. 2021. 21. 8. 24-24
  • Aurelio Cortese, Saori C Tanaka, Kaoru Amano, Ai Koizumi, Hakwan Lau, Yuka Sasaki, Kazuhisa Shibata, Vincent Taschereau-Dumouchel, Takeo Watanabe, Mitsuo Kawato. The DecNef collection, fMRI data from closed-loop decoded neurofeedback experiments. Scientific data. 2021. 8. 1. 65-65
MISC (11件):
書籍 (1件):
  • 神経科学の最新動向とリハビリテーションー運動を中心に
講演・口頭発表等 (11件):
  • Excitatory and inhibitory balance governs stability of perceptual learning
    (International Workshop for Perceptual Learning 2018)
  • Advances in fMRI real-time neurofeedback
    (Real-time Functional Imaging and Neurofeedback conference 2017)
  • Stability of perceptual learning governed by learning-dependent changes in excitatory-inhibitory ratio
    (Symposium in National Institute of Physiological Sciences: Toward Understanding Visual Perception 2017)
  • Stability and excitatory-inhibitory ratio in visual perceptual learning
    (International Workshop for Perceptual Learning 2014)
  • Human facial preferences are changed at the mercy of decoded fMRI neurofeedback
    (Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting 2014)
学位 (1件):
  • 理学 (奈良先端科学技術大学院大学)
受賞 (2件):
  • 2013/04 - 日本学術振興会 海外特別研究員
  • 2009/04 - 上原生命記念科学財団 ポストドクトラルフェローシップ
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