J-GLOBAL ID:201401040495420299   更新日: 2022年08月28日


ヴァルキー トマス | Thomas Varkey
職名: 准教授
研究分野 (2件): 宗教学 ,  言語学
研究キーワード (1件): 第二言語習得、平和学
論文 (5件):
  • Thomas Njaralamkulath Varkey. The Myth and Meaning of the Gandhian Concept of Satyagraha (創立40周年記念). 上智大学短期大学部紀要. 2014. 35. 171-179
  • Thomas Njaralamkulath Varkey. Biblical Concept of Peace: A Rediscovery of the True Nature of the Universe. ESSENTIALS. 2012
  • Thomas Njaralamkulath Varkey. An Investigation into the Comparative Effectiveness of the Focus on Form and Focus on Forms Approaches in Learning English as a Foreign Language by Second Year Junior High School Students in Southern India. SOPHIA TESOL FORUM / Working Papers in TESOL. 2012. 5. 98-122
  • Thomas Njaralamkulath Varkey. Mahatma Gandhi's Views on Education : With Special Reference to 'Nai-Talim' or 'Basic Education' (South Asia of the Twenty-first Century). 上智アジア学. 2011. 29. 75-84
  • Thomas Njaralamkulath Varkey. The Process of Developing a Negotiated Syllabus for Adult ESP Course. SOPHIA TESOL FORUM / Working Papers in TESOL. 2011. 4. 198-217
講演・口頭発表等 (1件):
  • Inter-religious Dialogue and Co-existence in Multi-Religious India
    (17th Annual Asian Studies Conference, Japan (J.F. Oberlin University) 2013)
学位 (6件):
  • B.A.(English Literature) (University of Calicut)
  • 学士(英文学) (University of Calicut)
  • M.A.(Philosophy) (University of Madras)
  • 修士(哲学) (University of Madras)
  • 学士(神学) (上智大学)
所属学会 (2件):
上智大学言語学会 ,  The Association for Asian Studies
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