J-GLOBAL ID:201401043084434930   更新日: 2020年06月06日

HILL Anthony David

Hill David
論文 (21件):
MISC (8件):
書籍 (4件):
  • How Societies Arise: the Macaque Model (Intraspecific variation執筆担当)
    Cambridge Unversity Press 2004
  • Primate Kinship (Effect of demographic variation on kinship structure and behavior in cercopithicines執筆担当)
    Cambridge University Press 2004
  • Evolution and Ecology of Macaques Societies (Determinants of dominance among female macaques: demography, nepotism and danger執筆担当)
    Cambridge University Press 1996
  • The Cayo Santiage Macaques (Seasonal differences in the social relationships of adult male rhesus macaques執筆担当)
    SUNY Press 1986
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