Kazuya Takami, Rimpei Kamamoto, Kenji Suzuki, Kosei Yamaguchi, Eiichi Nakakita. Relationship between Newly Fallen Snow Density and Polarimetric Parameters Obtained from X-Band Radar Observations along the Sea of Japan Coast in January 2021. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 2024
Takayabu, I, R. Rasmussen, E. Nakakita, A. Prein, H. Kawase, S. Watanabe, S. A. Adachi, T. Takemi, K. Yamaguchi, Y. Osakada, et al. 気候研究におけるConvection-Permittingモデル. 2021. D21. 1. 0043-E82
Collaboration of CPM, LES, and observation in high-resolution
(International Workshop on Convection-Permitting Modeling for Climate Research 2020)
Ensemble rainfall forecast and data assimilation of polarimetric radar
(International conference on weather forecast and hydrological applications of radar 2019 2019)
Understanding of Convection Genesis by Urban Meteorological Model Based on Large Eddy Simulation
(Hydrometeorological Seminar, LAPAN 2019)
Forecasting Both Mature Stage and Initiation of a Line-Shaped Mesoscale Convective System by Assimilation of Polarimetric Radar Data
(Hydrometeorological Seminar, LAPAN 2019)