Yoshinosuke Hirakawa, Takuki Tomita. Absolute zeta functions arising from ceiling and floor Puiseux polynomials. International Journal of Number Theory. 2024. 20. 10. 2591-2609
Yoshinosuke HIRAKAWA. Primes of the form $X^{3} + NY^{3}$ and a family of non-singular plane curves which violate the local-global principle. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan. 2024. 76. 2. 451-471
Yoshinosuke Hirakawa. A note on the Diophantine equations $2ln^{2} = 1+q+ \cdots +q^{\alpha}$ and application to odd perfect numbers. Indagationes Mathematicae. 2024. 35. 2. 282-287
Yoshinosuke Hirakawa, Yosuke Shimizu. Counterexamples to the local-global principle for non-singular plane curves and a cubic analogue of Ankeny-Artin-Chowla-Mordell conjecture. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2022. 150. 1821-1835
Yoshinosuke Hirakawa, Yoshinori Kanamura. How to calculate the proportion of everywhere locally soluble diagonal hypersurfaces. International Journal of Number Theory. 2021. 17. 10. 2361-2377
Riku Higa, Yoshinosuke Hirakawa. Galois trace forms of type A_n, D_n, E_n for odd n. arXiv:2307.06612. 2023
Naoto Dainobu, Yoshinosuke Hirakawa, Hideki Matsumura. Elliptic analogue of irregular prime numbers for the p^n-division fields of the curves y^2 = x^3-(s^4+t^2)x. arXiv:2205.08946. 2022
Yoshinosuke Hirakawa. Quadratic fields, Artin-Schreier extensions, and Bell numbers. arXiv:1912.04647. 2019
講演・口頭発表等 (33件):
(大阪公立大学 杉本代数セミナー 2024)
(山口大学理学部数理科学科談話会 2024)
Digit expansion of a unit fraction and zeta values
(プロジェクト研究集会2023 2023)
A note on trace forms of type A n, D n, E n for odd n
(プロジェクト研究集会2022 2022)
Primes of the form X^3+NY^3 and a family of non-singular plane curves which violate the local-global principle
(解析的整数論の展望と諸問題 2020)