Rieko Nishida, Tomoko Yashima, Tomoki Takagi. Engaging Japanese junior high students in English learning: Focusing on positive and negative emotions. Multilingual Matters. 2025
西田理恵子. N.Naoko. Student motivation in English-Medium Instruction: Empirical studies in a Japanese University. Routledge. (2021). 『英語教育』2023年2月号.海外新刊書紹介. 大修館書店. 2023
西田理恵子. K.Talbot., M.Gruber, & R.Nishida. The Psychological Experience of Integrating Language and Culture. Multilingual Matters.(2021). 海外新刊書紹介.英語教育.2月号. 2022
Investigations of engagement and positive and negative emotions in L2/L3 for Japanese university students
(The Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioural Sciences (ACP2025) 2025)
A comprehensive summary of Japanese junior high school students' engagement and positive and negative emotions.
(Psychology of Language Learning in Japan (PLLJ) 2025)
Psychology of Language Learning in Japan
(Psychology of Language Learning in Japan (PLLJ) 2025)
Influence of international posture on motivation and engagement for Japanese junior high school students
(Paper Presentation at the 59th RELC International Conference. Singapore. 2025)