Masatoshi KOSUGI, Keikichi KATO. Considerations of the attempt to Strengthen Agricultural Competitiveness: A Case Study of the Collaboration between Agriculture and Welfare. The 30th Asian-pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues Programs & Proceedings. 2018. 502-509
Masatoshi KOSUGI. Historical Development of the Theoretical Framework of Quality Costing: Consideration about the Limitation of Trade-off Relationship and the Possibility of Process Cost Model. The 30th Asian-pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues Programs & Proceedings. 2018. 415-431
Collaboration by Social Welfare Facility to Achieve Social Reintegration: Efforts in Japan
(British Accounting & Finance Association Management Accounting Research Group Conference 2023 2023)
Efforts to Support Social Reintegration of People with Mental Disabilities: Analyzing Japanese Social Welfare Corporations from the Perspective of Management Control Systems
(The QMUL Accounting and Accountability Research Group Seminar 2023)
Customer management within a management control system: a case study of a social welfare in Itayanagi-cho, Aomori, Japan
(European Accounting Association 45th Annual Congress 2023)
Controlling Customers in Nonprofit Organizations: Case Study in Japan
(American Accounting Association 2022 Virtual Annual Meeting 2022)
Brew saké and prosper: Convergent evolution and brewery accounting during the Tokugawa shogunate
(The 4th Alternative Accounts Europe Conference 2022)