J-GLOBAL ID:201501004457283190
更新日: 2022年08月27日
渡貫 諒
ワタヌキ リョウ | WATANUKI Ryo
研究分野 (4件):
, 国際関係論
, 国際関係論
, 基礎法学
論文 (7件):
渡貫諒. 国際法における規範の選択と「合法性」. 21世紀研究. 2019. 10. 119-140
渡貫諒. 憲法理論の問題としての無国籍. 21世紀研究. 2018. 9. 35-52
渡貫諒. 国際法理論としての政治的現実主義の視座:国際法・国際関係理論の架橋という図式を超えて. 次世代人文社会研究. 2018. 14. 77-101
渡貫諒. 核兵器禁止条約の意義と限界. 21世紀研究. 2017. 8. 103-120
渡貫諒. Interdependency between ‘Primitiveness’ and ‘Change’ in International Law: International Law of Self-Defence and the Overuse of ‘Exception’ after September 11. Journal of Social Science. 2015. 80. 37-65
講演・口頭発表等 (22件):
The Duality of Legal Positivism in International Law: The Entry of the Standard of Civilization in Japan and the Scope of Politics in International System
(International Studies Association, Asia-Pacific 2019 Singapore Conference 2019)
The Scope of “Critical” in IR as Methodology: Re-visiting the Implication of IR Debate during 1930s
(International Studies Association, Annual Convention 2019, Toronto 2019)
The Distance between Legal Formality and the Politics of ‘Reality’: Re-considering the Subsidiarity of Region and the Question of ‘Otherness’ in International Law
(11th East Asian Conference on Philosophy of Law 2018)
Questioning the Dichotomy between Universalism and Regionalism: Re-theorizing ‘Region’ as Juncture of Law and Power in International Law
(Regional Conference on International Law in Asia, The Asian Society of International Law 2018)
Re-examining the Debates on the Principle of Sovereign Equality in Japan during 1930-1940s: The Complex Relation between Liberalism and the Concept of Region
(International Political Science Association, The 25th IPSA World Congress of Political Science 2018)
受賞 (1件):
- 2014/07 - 難民研究フォーラム 第2回若手難民研究者奨励賞