Yusuke Arike, Kiyokazu Nagatomo. Vertex operator algebras with central charges 164/ 5 and 236/ 7. Communications in Number Theory and Physics. 2020. 14. 3. 487-509
Arike, Yusuke, Nagatomo, Kiyokazu, Sakai, Yuichi. Vertex operator algebras, minimal models, and modular linear differential equations of order 4. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan. 2018. 70. 4. 1347-1373
Yusuke Arike, Kiyokazu Nagatomo, Yuichi Sakai. Characterization of the simple virasoro vertex operator algebras with 2 and 3-dimensional space of characters. Contemporary Mathematics. 2017. 695. 175-204
有家 雄介. Minimal models and modular linear differential equations of order 4 (有限群とその表現,頂点作用素代数,代数的組合せ論の研究 : RIMS研究集会報告集). 数理解析研究所講究録. 2016. 2003. 8-16
有家, 雄介. Fusion products for the symplectic fermionic vertex operator superalgebras (ホップ代数と量子群 : 応用の可能性 : RIMS研究集会報告集). 数理解析研究所講究録. 2013. 1840. 13-23
有家, 雄介. Pseudo-trace functions for vertex operator algebras and Zhu's algebras (Research into Finite Groups and their Representations, Vertex Operator Algebras, and Combinatorics). 数理解析研究所講究録. 2012. 1811. 0. 42-49
講演・口頭発表等 (27件):
164/5 and 236/7
(Vertex operator algebras, number theory and related topics 2018)
Twisted super fusion products
(Finite Groups, VOAs, and Related Topics 2018 2018)
Characters and modular linear differential equations of order 3 and 4
(Workshop on finite groups, VOA and algebraic combinatorics 2016)
Vertex operator algebras, minimal models, and modular linear differential equations
(日本数学会年会 2016)
Affine vertex operator algebras and modular linear differential equations
(日本数学会年会 2016)