Takuya Hasebe. Endogenous models of binary choice outcomes: Copula-based maximum-likelihood estimation and treatment effects. The Stata Journal: Promoting communications on statistics and Stata. 2022. 22. 4. 734-771
Wim Vijverberg, Takuya Hasebe. GTL regression: a linear model with skewed and thick-tailed disturbances. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. 2021. 52. 6. 2290-2309
Takuya Hasebe. On the treatment effects of a binary choice outcome model. Economics Letters. 2021. 200. 109768-109768
Takuya Hasebe. Endogenous switching regression model and treatment effects of count-data outcome. The Stata Journal: Promoting communications on statistics and Stata. 2020. 20. 3. 627-646
Agricultural and Rural Development in Sri Lanka "Intergenerational Dynamics in Agriculture as an Economic Activity"
University of Colombo 2011
講演・口頭発表等 (26件):
Mother’s Time to Return Home from Work and Child Obesity
(Research on East Asian Demography and Inequality forum 2024)
Mother’s Time to Return Home from Work and Child Obesity
(医療経済学会 第19回研究大会 2024)
Occupational mobility of healthcare workers over business cycles
(European Health Economic Association Conference 2024 2024)
Who works in non-standard work schedule and how do they change in Japan over the last 20 years?
(45th International Association for Time Use Research Conference 2023)
Flows into and out from Nursing Schools over the Business Cycle
(International Health Economics Association 2023 World Congress 2023)