Jeffrey Huffman. Developing reading fluency in the EFL classroom. Extensive Reading in Japan (ERJ). 2022. 15. 1. 13-14
Jeffrey Huffman. Development of reading fluency during an extensive reading course incorporating reading fluency tasks. ProQuest One Academic. 2021. 1-322
Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Health Humanities
Springer Nature (Palgrave Macmillan) 2022
Medical View 2018 ISBN:9784758309653
メジカルビュー社 2017
メジカルビュー社 2016
Test Items for Evaluation (supplement to Oral Communication Expressways, Revised: Teacher's Manual)
Kairyudo Publishing (Tokyo) 2007
講演・口頭発表等 (13件):
ER SIG Forum: A discussion on fluency development and extensive reading
(JALT PanSIG 2022 2022)
Common health characteristics of welfare recipients globally: A literature review
(6th International Conference of Global Network of Public Health Nursing 2022)
English and international education for nursing students in English as a foreign language (EFL) environments
(第9回ヘルスヒューマニティーズ学会 2020)
Non-Japanese Simulated Patient Sessions in an English Course for Japanese Nursing Students
(Japan Association for Nursing English Teaching 2019)
Learning Experiences and Identity Development of Nursing Students through Study Abroad
(JASMEE 2018)