J-GLOBAL ID:201501042835625265   更新日: 2024年08月28日


職名: 教授
ホームページURL (1件): http://mtr1.osakafu-u.ac.jp/prassides-lab/
研究分野 (2件): 機能物性化学 ,  磁性、超伝導、強相関系
競争的資金等の研究課題 (5件):
  • 2021 - 2024 Chemistry of open-shell carbon-based pi-electron molecular materials and development into spin liquids
  • 2018 - 2023 カーボン超原子への内外双方向ドーピングによる新規高温超伝導体の創成
  • 2019 - 2021 Metal-directed asymmetric spatial assembly of diverse building blocks - spheres, planes, and bowls
  • 2018 - 2020 Emergent electronic phenomena in hybrid f-/p-electron molecular materials
  • 2017 - 2019 球と面の複合π造形による超伝導体と量子磁性体の開発
論文 (347件):
  • Martina Vrankić, Takeshi Nakagawa, Melita Menelaou, Yasuhiro Takabayashi, Naoya Yoshikane, Keisuke Matsui, Ken Kokubo, Kenichi Kato, Saori Kawaguchi-Imada, Hirokazu Kadobayashi, et al. On the Structural and Vibrational Properties of Solid Endohedral Metallofullerene Li@C60. Inorganics. 2024
  • Changming Yue, Yusuke Nomura, Kosmas Prassides, Philipp Werner. Instablity of the Pa-3 fulleride Cs3C60 at ambient pressure and superconducting state of the fcc phase. Physical Review B. 2023. 108. 22. L220508
  • Keisuke Matsui, Naoya Yoshikane, Anastasia G. V. Terzidou, John Arvanitidis, Shogo Kawaguchi, Yoshiki Kubota, Kosmas Prassides. Electron injection into superconducting trivalent fullerides close to the Mott transition boundary. Modern Physics Letters B. 2023
  • Michael Pissas, Dimosthenis Stamopoulos, Kosmas Prassides. Mixed orbital states and modulated crystal structures in La1-xCaxMnO3 deduced from synchrotron X-ray diffraction. Communications Physics. 2023. 6. 1
  • Naoya Yoshikane, Keisuke Matsui, Takeshi Nakagawa, Hitoshi Yamaoka, Nozomu Hiraoka, Hirofumi Ishii, John Arvanitidis, Kosmas Prassides. Isosymmetric Lattice Collapse in Mixed-Valence Rare-Earth Fullerides at High Pressure-Coupling of Lattice and Electronic Degrees of Freedom. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2023. 127. 21. 10375-10383
MISC (37件):
  • 笠原 裕一, Prassides Kosmas, 岩佐 義宏. 27aAN-7 モット転移近傍におけるフラーレン超伝導体の上部臨界磁場(27aAN フラーレン,領域7(分子性固体)). 日本物理学会講演概要集. 2014. 69. 1. 822-822
  • 和泉 正成, 荒木 新吾, 小林 達生, Prassides Kosmas, Sun Liling, 久保園 芳博, 坂田 雅文, 酒井 優介, Zheng Lu, 後藤 秀徳, et al. 7pBD-9 (NH_3)_yCs_<0.4>FeSeの高圧領域における高温超伝導相の出現(7pBD 鉄砒素系2(合成・関連物質),領域8(強相関系)). 日本物理学会講演概要集. 2014. 69. 0. 336-336
  • 笠原 裕一, 伊藤 哲明, Prassides Kosmas, 岩佐 義宏. 25pDF-4 fcc-Cs_3C_<60>におけるスピンフラストレーション(フラーレン,領域7(分子性個体・有機導体)). 日本物理学会講演概要集. 2013. 68. 2. 741-741
  • 竹内 裕紀, 笠原 裕一, Prassides Kosmas, 岩佐 義宏. 19aFH-6 モット転移近傍のアルカリドープフラーレンの比熱(19aFH 電界効果・化学ドーピング,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体)). 日本物理学会講演概要集. 2012. 67. 2. 771-771
  • 竹内 裕紀, 笠原 裕一, Prassides Kosmas, Chen Xianhui, 岩佐 義宏. 25pYF-12 分子性超伝導体の比熱(25pYF 領域8,領域7合同 界面デバイス・相制御,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体)). 日本物理学会講演概要集. 2012. 67. 1. 906-906
学歴 (2件):
  • 1980 - 1984 M.A., D.Phil. in Chemistry, Christ Church, Oxford University
  • 1976 - 1980 B.A. First Class Honours in Chemistry with Distinction in Quantum Chemistry, St. John's College, Oxford University
学位 (2件):
  • D.Phil. in Chemistry (Oxford Univ.)
  • B.A. (Oxford University, UK)
経歴 (12件):
  • 2023/04 - 現在 京都先端科学大学 大学院工学研究科
  • 2023/04 - 現在 大阪公立大学 理学研究科 物理学専攻
  • 2019/04 - 2023/03 Adjunct Professor, AIMR, Tohoku University
  • 2018/10 - 2023/03 Osaka Prefecture University Department of Materials Science, Graduate School of Engineering Professor
  • 2018/10 - 2019/03 Visiting Professor and Principal Investigator, AIMR, Tohoku University
受賞 (6件):
  • 2018 - 文部科学大臣表彰 - Commendation for Science and Technology (Research) , The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT),
  • 2014 - Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award
  • 2010 - Royal Society of Chemistry awarded for seminal research contributions to mixed valency chemistry, to the understanding of electronic phenomena in solids and to condensed matter fullerene science Tilden Prize
  • 2009 - The Royal Society Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellow
  • 2004 - the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation in recognition of significant scientific collaboration between British and Japanese research teams in Materials Science Winner of the triennial Daiwa Adrian Prize
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