J-GLOBAL ID:201501062534629134   更新日: 2024年01月22日

麥文 彪

Mak Bill
研究分野 (2件): 中国哲学、印度哲学、仏教学 ,  科学社会学、科学技術史
研究キーワード (3件): 印度学 ,  仏教学 ,  科学史
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
  • 2015 - 2018 Overlapping cosmologies of pre-modern Asia
論文 (18件):
  • 麥文彪. The First Two Chapters of Mīnarāja’s Vṛddhayavanajātaka. Zinbun. 2018. 48. 1-31
  • 麥文彪. Tithikarmaguṇa in Gārgīyajyotiṣa - Tithi worship according to a number of early sources. 印度學佛教學研究. 2018. 66. 3. 985-991
  • Geslani, Marko, Bill M. Mak, Michio Yano, Kenneth Zysk. Garga and early astral science in India. History of Science in South Asia. 2017. 5. 1. 151-191
  • 麥文彪. Matching Stellar Ideas to the Stars: Remarks on the Translation of Indian jyotiṣa in the Chinese Buddhist Canon. Cross-Cultural Transmission of Buddhist Texts: Theories and Practices of Translation. 2016. 139-158
  • 麥文彪. 古代中國與日本的“異域天學”:七曜日與天宮圖星占術. 中印关系研究的视野与前景. 2016. 137-152
講演・口頭発表等 (57件):
  • Gargasaṃhitā and Vedic astral science in China - Early evidences of foreign transmission of the science of the Heavens from the ‘West’
    (Joseph Needham Symposium on Early Cultural & Scientific Transmission across Eurasia with China 2018)
  • Garga and the Astronomical Chapters of the Gārgīyajyotiṣa
    (The 228th meeting of the American Oriental Society 2018)
  • Visualizing time and space through foreign eyes in Medieval China - From the Śārdūlakarṇāvadāna to Amoghavajra’s Xiuyao jing
    (Geballe Research Workshop, Asian Representations and Construction of Space (ARCS) 2018)
  • The edition of Gargasaṃhitā and its relation to the Buddhist astral texts
  • The transmission of Buddhist astral science across Asia
経歴 (4件):
  • 2014/09 - 現在 京都大学 人文科学研究所/白眉センター 准教授
  • 2013/09 - 2014/08 JSPS / 京都産業大学 外国人特別研究者
  • 2013/05 - 2013/09 京都大学 Department of Indological Studies 非常勤講師/外国人共同研究者
  • 2011/01 - 2012/04 香港大学 仏学研究中心 特任助教授
受賞 (1件):
  • 2015/11 - History of Science Society FHS Asia Essay Prize
所属学会 (4件):
International Association of Sanskrit Studies ,  International Association of Buddhist Studies ,  日本印度学仏教学会 ,  インド思想史学会
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