J-GLOBAL ID:201501067659044490   更新日: 2020年06月04日

周 顥

Zhou Hao
論文 (2件):
講演・口頭発表等 (5件):
  • DASI: A Truthful Double Auction Mechanism for Secure Information Transfer in Cognitive Radio Networks
    (IEEE SECON 2015 2015)
  • ADMM based algorithm for eICIC configuration in heterogeneous cellular networks
    (IEEE INFOCOM 2015 2015)
  • Auction-based Spectrum Leasing for Secure Information Transfer in Cognitive Radio Networks
    (IEEE MASS 2014 2014)
  • Joint user scheduling, user association, and resource partition in heterogeneous cellular networks
    (IEEE MASS 2014 2014)
  • Joint mode selection, MCS assignment, resource allocation and power control for D2D communication underlaying cellular networks
    (IEEE WCNC 2014 2014)
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