Phan, Trang, Duffield, Nigel. The Vietnamese Perfect - A Compositional Analysis. Cahiers Chronos [Crosslinguistic Perspectives on the Semantics of Grammatical Aspect]. 2019. 30. 38-63
Phan, Trang, Duffield, Nigel. To be tensed or not to be tensed?: The Case of Vietnamese. Investigationes Linguisticae. 2018. 41
Duffield, Nigel. On what projects in Vietnamese. Journal of East Asian Linguistics. 2017
Duffield Nigel, Nigel Duffield. Where not to put why, and why not?. 甲南大學紀要. 文学編 = The Journal of Konan University. Faculty of Letters. 2015. 165. 57-68
Duffield, Nigel. Minimalism and Semantic Syntax: Interpreting Multifunctionality in Vietnamese. International Conference on The Linguistics of Vietnam in the Context of Renovation and Integration. 2014. 1091-1113
Duffield, Nigel, L. Kalin, I. Paul, J. Vander, Klok. ‘Down, Down, Down’: how many layers can there be to Inner Aspect?. McGill Working Papers in Linguistics - Special Issue in Honour of Lisa Travis. 2018. 25. 1. 110-122
書籍 (4件):
The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition, Morphosyntax, and Semantics (Chapter 32: Ellipsis)
2024 ISBN:9781032535005
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Vietnamese Linguistics
John Benjamins Publishing Company 2019
Reflections on Psycholinguistic Theories : Raiding the inarticulate
Cambridge University Press 2018 ISBN:9781108417150
Particles and Projections in Irish Syntax (Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory)
Springer 1996 ISBN:0792336747
学歴 (3件):
1987 - 1991 University of Southern California Department of Linguistics
1985 - 1987 Birkbeck College, University of London Department of Philosophy; Department of Psychology
1981 - 1984 Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge School of Modern and Medieval Languages Modern and Medieval Languages