Masanori Kashiwagi. The Welfare Consequences of a Quantitative Search and Matching Approach to the Labor Market. Bulletin of Economic Research. 2018. Vol. 70. pp. 423-442
Masanori Kashiwagi. A vehicle currency country's welfare under optimal monetary policy. JAPAN AND THE WORLD ECONOMY. 2017. 42. 23-31
Jau-er Chen, Masanori Kashiwagi. The Japanese Taylor rule estimated using censored quantile regressions. EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS. 2017. 52. 1. 357-371
Masanori Kashiwagi. The Cyclical Properties of Unemployment and Vacancies in Taiwan. PACIFIC ECONOMIC REVIEW. 2015. 20. 4. 588-607
Masanori Kashiwagi. A search-theoretic model of the rental and homeownership markets. JOURNAL OF HOUSING ECONOMICS. 2014. 26. 33-47