Daiki Kato, Nicholas Kemp, Mikie Suzuki. Developing a Rolefulness Worksheet and its Effect on Increasing Rolefulness. Journal of Psychology & Behavior Research. 2023. 5. 4. p1-p1
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吉武 久美, 鈴木 美樹江. 不適応徴候が高校生の進路選択に及ぼす影響 : 高校生の不適応徴候と進路意思決定の関連-Influence of psychological signs of school maladaptation on the career choices of high school students. 人間と環境 = Journal of human environmental studies / 人間環境大学編集委員会 編. 2021. 14. 15-26
2023/05 - The 11th Congress of The Asian Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Best Poster Award, Reducing Student Absenteeism through a Latent Growth Model Comprising Maladaptive Factors and Signs, and Interest in School Counselors