Akiko Funakoshi, Masako Saito, Roseline Yong, Midori Suzuki. Home visiting support for people with hikikomori (social withdrawal) provided by experienced and effective workers. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 2021. 68. 4. 002076402110092-002076402110092
Experiences of Aged Parents Supporting Their Long-term Hikikomori Child
(25th World Congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicene in Florence 2019)
Actual Status of Hikikomori Support by Public Health Nurses Working for Administrative Organization in Niigata Prefecture
(25th World Congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicene in Florence 2019)
Connection with People 'by People with HIKIKOMORI Experience
(25th World Congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicene in Florence 2019)