Fumiaki Y. Nomano, Nobuyuki Kutsukake. Aggression induced by ornament similarity is limited to females in a mutually ornamented fish, Betta brownorum. Animal Behaviour. 2022
Fumiaki Y. Nomano, Shin Matsui, Mariko Senda, Yuko Tsuchiya, Masaoki Takagi. Random mating and the lack of sex-biased kin clustering in an island population of the bull-headed shrike, <i>Lanius bucephalus</i>. Ethology Ecology & Evolution. 2022. 1-15
Fumiaki Y. Nomano, Hideyuki Mitsui, Masahito T. Kimura. Assessment of putative species diversity of insect larvae occurring in bamboo galls by a DNA barcoding analysis. Entomological Science. 2021. 24. 3. 338-344
Fumiaki Y. Nomano, James L. Savage, Lee A. Rollins, Simon C. Griffith, Andrew F. Russell. Communal roosting shows dynamics predicted by direct and indirect nepotism in chestnut-crowned babblers. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 2021. 75. 2