Masahiro Kikuchi, Hajime Seito, Yasuhiko Kobayashi, Setsuko Todoriki, Katsuhiko Yaginuma, Hidenari Kishimoto, Masatoshi Mochizuki, Koji Mishiro. Effects of γ-irradiation as phytosanitary treatment on the quality of Japanese fruits and the survival of their regulated pests. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 2023. 208
Hidenari Kishimoto, Katsuhiko Yaginuma, Shunsuke Furihata, Tsutae Ito, Hajime Yaegashi, Masatoshi Toyama. Effects of Fungicides on Four Native Generalist Phytoseiid Species(Acari: Phytoseiidae). Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology. 2020. 64. 4. 175-182
Hidenari KISHIMOTO, Katsuhiko YAGINUMA, Shunsuke FURIHATA, Masatoshi TOYAMA. Effects of weed mowing height on the occurrence of phytoseiid mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae) on weeds in apple orchards. Journal of the Acarological Society of Japan. 2020. 29. 2. 47-58