J-GLOBAL ID:201601014507568488
更新日: 2023年04月03日
Levy, Lawrence Simon
リビ- ロ-レンス シモン | Levy, Lawrence Simon
研究分野 (4件):
, 外国語教育
, 神経科学一般
, 神経科学一般
研究キーワード (4件):
minimal resource education
, Task-based learning
, neuroELT
, neuroELT, Task-based learning, minimal resource education
競争的資金等の研究課題 (15件):
- 2020 - I will continue my work with the JALT NEURO ELT/Brain SIG
- 2020 - I will continue my research in the application of competitive boardgames for teaching English
- 2020 - I will be working with education students in a new program
- 2019 - 外国語学習における競争的ボードゲームの活用についての研究
- 2018 - 2019 外国語学習における競争的ボードゲームの活用についての研究
- 2018 - Brain-based learning (neuroELT), Minimal Resource Education and Task-based Learning/boardgames
- 2017 - 現在 Brain-based learning (neuroELT), Minimal Resource Education and Task-based Learning
- 2016 - 現在 Brain-based learning, Minimal Resource Education and Task-based Learning.
- 2015 - Brain-based Learning, Task-based Learning, Minimum Resource Education
- 2014 - Task-based Learning, Minimum Resource Education, Brain-based Learning
- 2013 - Task-based Learning, Minimum Resource Education
- 2012 - Task-based Learning, Minimum Resource Education
- 2011 - Minimal Resource Education, Task-based Learning and Board Games
- 2010 - Minimal Resource Education, Task-based Learning and Board Games
- 2009 - Minimal resource education Task-based learning and board games
論文 (6件):
TBL(タスクベースの語学学習)および SLA(第二外国語習得)のために使用される ボードゲームについての学習者の意見に係る予備評価. 臨床心理学部研究報告. 2020. 2019. 12. 35-61
Task-Based education, Task-Based syllabus, Board Game, "UPWORDS", "SCRABBLE", "Pictionary", "Around the World", "Clue", "Monoploly", cognitive develop,ment. 臨床心理学部研究報告. 2018. 10. 17-38
Sustained Silent Reading, Extensive Reading, handcrafted books, task-based learning, minimal resource education. 臨床心理学部研究報告. 2017. 9. 17-36
This paper made an analysis of the production strategies employed by a non-native speaker of English (Hiromi) in her production of spoken English. 1998. XXIII. 77-96
This paper presented information and techniques to encouraging peer to peer interaction for the acquisition of second language competence. 1997. 115-121
MISC (5件):
Levy Lawrence Simon. SLEEP - “Wetware” Maintenance and Good Sleep Practices. 2018
key words: extensive reading, intensive reading, sustained silent reading, start with simple stories, input hypothesis, literacy, language acquisition. 臨床心理学部研究報告. 2017. 9. 69-85
One method for making foreign language study interesting and exciting is presenting the target language as a communication tool rather than an academically studied subject (Task-based learning). 2014
I prepared an essay and manual for publication in the Forum Language Teachers Association Kyrgyzstan Journal. It is a formal write-up of the content of my workshop. 2014
This was a short abstract summary of a paper given during a workshop session. 1997. 71-72
書籍 (1件):
Boardtalk Intermediate Communication ISBN9784990823610
Bedrock Publishing 2015
講演・口頭発表等 (21件):
Sleep, Light, the Brain, and Behavior
(Second Annual Performance in Education SIG in Sapporo 2020 Conference/Hokkaido Winter Language Teaching Conference 2020)
Health Education in EFL to Support Student Cognition
(17th Asia TEFL International Conference and the 6th FLLT International Conference 2019)
Engaged L2 Learning
(THT in Kyrgyzstan 2018 2018)
Paths towards successful language learning
(Teachers Helping Teachers (THT) in Kyrgyzstan, 2017 2017)
Sleep, Light, Brain and Behaviour
学歴 (2件):
- 1996 - 1997 テンプル大学大学院(大阪校)
- 1980 - 1984 ワシントン大学(セントルイス校)
学位 (1件):
所属学会 (3件):
The Pragmatics Society of Japan
, Association for Sociopolitical Heterodoxy
, JALT Japan Association of Language Teachers