築田 誠, 伊東 由康, 賀数 勝太, 坂本 佳津子, 本田 順子. 日本語版The Questionnaire on Factors That Influence Family Engagement(QFIFE)の開発. 日本集中治療医学会雑誌. 2023. 30. Suppl.1. S441-S441
Makoto Tsukuda, Yoshiyasu Ito, Shota Kakazu, Katsuko Sakamoto, Junko Honda. Development and Validity of the Japanese Version of the Questionnaire on Factors That Influence Family Engagement in Acute Care Settings. Nursing Reports. 2023. 13. 2. 601-611
日本語版The Questionnaire on Factors the Influence Family Engagement(QFIFE)の開発
(第50回日本集中治療医学会学術集会 2023)
Nurses’ Perception And Practices Of Family Engagement In Intensive Care Settings: Literature Review Of Cross Comparison
(15th International Family Nursing Conference 2021)
Mixed method study of family functioning scale and family interview for understanding of diverse family aspects in Japan
Nurses’ Perception and practices of family engagement in intensive care settings: Japanese literature review
(22nd East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars 2019 2019)
国際家族看護学会 Poster Award First Place Establishing a cut-off point in the SFE-J to assess family dysfunction scores in preliminary groups of dysfunctional Japanese families
所属学会 (8件):
, 聖路加看護学会
, 文化看護学会
, International Family Nursing Association
, 日本看護研究学会
, 日本小児看護学会
, 日本家族看護学会
, 日本看護科学学会