Yoshizumi Tomoharu について
Department of Surgery and Science, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan について
Takada Yasutsugu について
The Study Group of the Japanese Society of Hepato-biliary-Pancreatic Surgery and Japanese Liver Transplantation Society, Tokyo, Japan について
Shirabe Ken について
The Study Group of the Japanese Society of Hepato-biliary-Pancreatic Surgery and Japanese Liver Transplantation Society, Tokyo, Japan について
Kaido Toshimi について
The Study Group of the Japanese Society of Hepato-biliary-Pancreatic Surgery and Japanese Liver Transplantation Society, Tokyo, Japan について
Hidaka Masaaki について
The Study Group of the Japanese Society of Hepato-biliary-Pancreatic Surgery and Japanese Liver Transplantation Society, Tokyo, Japan について
Honda Masaki について
The Study Group of the Japanese Society of Hepato-biliary-Pancreatic Surgery and Japanese Liver Transplantation Society, Tokyo, Japan について
Ito Takashi について
The Study Group of the Japanese Society of Hepato-biliary-Pancreatic Surgery and Japanese Liver Transplantation Society, Tokyo, Japan について
Shinoda Masahiro について
The Study Group of the Japanese Society of Hepato-biliary-Pancreatic Surgery and Japanese Liver Transplantation Society, Tokyo, Japan について
Ohdan Hideki について
The Study Group of the Japanese Society of Hepato-biliary-Pancreatic Surgery and Japanese Liver Transplantation Society, Tokyo, Japan について
Kawagishi Naoki について
The Study Group of the Japanese Society of Hepato-biliary-Pancreatic Surgery and Japanese Liver Transplantation Society, Tokyo, Japan について
Sugawara Yasuhiko について
The Study Group of the Japanese Society of Hepato-biliary-Pancreatic Surgery and Japanese Liver Transplantation Society, Tokyo, Japan について
Ogura Yasuhiro について
The Study Group of the Japanese Society of Hepato-biliary-Pancreatic Surgery and Japanese Liver Transplantation Society, Tokyo, Japan について
Kasahara Mureo について
The Study Group of the Japanese Society of Hepato-biliary-Pancreatic Surgery and Japanese Liver Transplantation Society, Tokyo, Japan について
Kubo Shoji について
The Study Group of the Japanese Society of Hepato-biliary-Pancreatic Surgery and Japanese Liver Transplantation Society, Tokyo, Japan について
Taketomi Akinobu について
The Study Group of the Japanese Society of Hepato-biliary-Pancreatic Surgery and Japanese Liver Transplantation Society, Tokyo, Japan について
Yamashita Natsumi について
Clinical Research Center, Shikoku Cancer Center, Matsuyama, Japan について
Uemoto Shinji について
The Study Group of the Japanese Society of Hepato-biliary-Pancreatic Surgery and Japanese Liver Transplantation Society, Tokyo, Japan について
Yamaue Hiroki について
The Study Group of the Japanese Society of Hepato-biliary-Pancreatic Surgery and Japanese Liver Transplantation Society, Tokyo, Japan について
Miyazaki Masaru について
The Study Group of the Japanese Society of Hepato-biliary-Pancreatic Surgery and Japanese Liver Transplantation Society, Tokyo, Japan について
Takada Tadahiro について
The Study Group of the Japanese Society of Hepato-biliary-Pancreatic Surgery and Japanese Liver Transplantation Society, Tokyo, Japan について
Maehara Yoshihiko について
Department of Surgery and Science, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan について
Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences について
ヒト について
HTLV1 について
Adult T-cell leukemia について
Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 について
Living donor liver transplantation について
消化器疾患の外科療法 について
生体ドナー について
肝移植 について
ヒトT細胞白血病ウイルス1型 について
日本 について
施設 について
研究 について