J-GLOBAL ID:201602246626152168   整理番号:16A1149762


著者 (1件):
巻: 30  号:ページ: 43-56  発行年: 2016年09月30日 
JST資料番号: L4512A  ISSN: 0915-0625  資料種別: 逐次刊行物 (A)
発行国: 日本 (JPN)  言語: 日本語 (JA)
引用文献 (30件):
  • Chua, E. G. & Gudykunst, W. B. (1987). Conflict resolution styles in low-and high-context cultures. Communication Research Reports, 4, 32-37.
  • Gabrielidis, C., Stephan, W. G., Ybarra, O., Pearson, V. M. D., & Villareal, L. (1997). Preferred styles of conflict resolution: Mexico and the United States. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 28, 661-677.
  • Han, M., Inumiya, Y., Kim, S. -H., & Zhang, W. (2009). Saeroun munwha-jagigwan ironui gukga gan bigyo yueongu [Comparison of new self-construal theory between countries]. The Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, 28, 49-66.
  • Hofstede, G. (1980). Culture's consequences. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
  • Hong, S. -K., Chae, K. -M. (2010). Hanguk bubu ui kyeolhon manzokdo e kwanhan yeongu [A study on Korean couples' martial satisfaction based on Gottman's theory]. Journal of Human Understanding and Counseling, 31, 299-316.
