J-GLOBAL ID:201701000648382813
更新日: 2024年08月13日
マカボイ ジェイソン | Jason Mcevoy
研究キーワード (1件):
Ethnography, critical thinking, intercultural pragmatics, sociolinguistics, A.I.,
論文 (7件):
Jason McEvoy. Cognitive dissonance as an instructional approach to promote critical thought. Lingua, Journal for Language, Education, and Research. 2020. 31. 53-69
Student perceptions of their critical thinking skills development: An explicit instruction skills approach to foster higher order thinking. Lingua, Journal for Language, Education, and Research. 2018. 29. 71-82
Watanabe, Y, McEvoy, J. TKT (Teacher Knowledge Test): Languages, qualities, and skills required for teachers. In Sakamoto, M., (2017). From applied Linguistics to English teaching: The past, present, and future of the graduate TESOL programme at Sophia University. Sophia University Press. 2017. 136-150
Jason McEvoy. University CLIL materials example: Eyewitness testimony. In Ikeda, Watanabe, and Izumi (2016) CLIL: New challenges in foreign language education at Sophia University, Vol.3: Lessons and materials, Sophia University Press. 2016. 79-86
Jason McEvoy. Reconsidering the role of ALTs through the framework of CLIL. Sophia TESOL forum. Working papers in TESOL. 2015. 7. 35-43
書籍 (1件):
Socialization in Business English
Harima Publishing 2022
講演・口頭発表等 (8件):
Exploring learners’ engagement with critical thinking through ethnographic inquiry: a case of Japanese learners in a CLIL context.
(CELL annual postgraduate conference 2022)
Exploring learners’ engagement with critical thinking in academic communication: An ethnographic inquiry.
(Japan society of English for research, JSER 2022)
The challenges of teaching academic writing effectively through online classes: An initial case study.
(Japan society of English for research, JSER. 2021)
Education based on cooperation, not competition
(TEDx 2019)
CLIL curriculum development workshop
(The educational renaissance forum 2015)
学位 (2件):
- BSc Psychology (The University of Wales Bangor)
- 修士(言語学) (上智大学)
所属学会 (2件):
JSER - Japanese society for English research
, ASTE - Association for Sophian teachers of English