2019 - 2020 Pilot project for essentiality checks of Standard Essential Patents
2015 - 2019 国内産業構造変化が起業活動に与える影響について:フィンランドの事例から
論文 (48件):
Byeongwoo Kang, Rudi Bekkers, Atsushi Ohyama. The determinants of parallel invention: Measuring the role of information sharing and personal interaction between inventors. Research Policy. 2024. 53. 10
Byeongsik Kim, Byeongwoo Kang. K-pop’s internationalization in the product adaptation and the upstream music supply chain in Korea, China, Japan, and the West. Asia Pacific Business Review. 2023. 29. 5. 1368-1393
Byeongwoo Kang, Rudi Bekkers. The determinants of parallel invention: Measuring the role of information sharing and personal interaction between inventors. IIR Working Paper Series WP#22-06. 2022
Byeongwoo Kang. Innovation processes in public research institutes: AIST, Fraunhofer and ITRI case studies. Science, Technology and Society. 2021. 26. 3. 433-458
Kuniko Matsumoto, Sotaro Shibayama, Byeongwoo Kang, Masatsura Igami. Introducing a novelty indicator for scientific research: Validating the knowledge-based combinatorial approach (共著). Scientometrics. 2021. 126. 8. 6891-6915