J-GLOBAL ID:201701010916317995   更新日: 2023年02月13日


モンフォール ブリウー | Brieuc Monfort
職名: 准教授
研究分野 (1件): 経済政策
論文 (13件):
  • Brieuc Monfort, cf. below, New, Research on European Studies, Sophia University Press. 欧州経済-連合の絆とは恒常的に深化していくものか. 2020
  • Sebastien Lechevalier, Brieuc Monfort. Abenomics: has it worked? Will it ultimately fail?. JAPAN FORUM. 2018. 30. 2. 277-302
  • David Berthier, Brieuc Monfort, Anne-Marie Stoliaroff-Pépin. The recovery of the trade openness ratio of the global economy. Conjoncture in France, INSEE. 2017
  • Brieuc Monfort. Can Increased Public Expenditure Efficiency Contribute to the Consolidation of Public Finances in Japan?. CEAFJ Working Paper. 2015
  • Brieuc Monfort. Countercyclical Stimulus and Long-Term Sustainability: Insights from a Fiscal SVAR for France. IMF Selected Issues Paper. 2009
MISC (5件):
  • Japan and free-trade: which trade strategy? (Japon et libre-échange : quelle stratégie commerciale pour Tokyo ?). Les Grands Dossiers de la Diplomatie, no. 56. 2020
  • Brieuc Monfort. The French-Japanese Foundation of EHESS: ten years of interdisciplinary and international research: フランス国立社会科学高等研究院・日仏財団: 10年に及ぶ国際的な学際研究. 上智ヨーロッパ研究. 2020. 12. 201-204
  • Stéphanie Lange-Gaumand, Baptiste Meunier, Brieuc MONFORT. Economic Policies in Face of Aging : the case of Japan (Les politiques économiques face au vieillissement : le cas du Japon). Bloc Notes Eco - Banque de France. 2020
  • Brieuc Monfort. How informative are Inflation Indicators in Japan?. 2015
  • Brieuc Monfort. Gross Debt or Net Debt: Which is the Best Measure of Japanese Public Debt?. 2011
書籍 (4件):
  • 新しいヨーロッパ学
    上智大学出版 2020 ISBN:9784324107898
  • Leçons de l'expérience japonaise - Vers une nouvelle politique économique
    Éditions Rue d'Ulm 2016 ISBN:2728805504
  • Paraguay: Addressing the Stagnation and Instability Trap
    国際通貨基金 2009 ISBN:1589068521
  • L'économie française : Comptes et dossiers
    INSEE 2005 ISBN:2110682523
講演・口頭発表等 (6件):
  • Book presentation : "Local Energy Governance. Opportunities and Challenges for Renewable and Decentralised Energy in France and Japan", by Magali Dreyfus and Aki Suwa
  • Japan’s economic management: decades of self-induced paralysis?
    (DIJ Business & Economics Study Group, Tokyo 2021)
  • Japan, Secular Stagnation and Demographic Decline
    (10 year anniversary of the Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS, Paris 2019)
  • The promises of Abenomics and the missing Japanese entrepreneurs
    (Maison Franco Japonaise, Tokyo 2019)
  • Abenomics: Has it Worked? Will if Failed?
    (CCIFJ (French Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry), Tokyo 2016)
学位 (4件):
  • 経済学博士 (社会科学高等研究院(フランス))
  • パリ高等師範学校 (パリ高等師範学校)
  • 経済統計士資格(修士相当) (国立統計・経済行政研究院(フランス))
  • 博士論文提出資格学位 (社会科学高等研究院(フランス))
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