Yasuharu Nagano, Shogo Sasaki, Ayako Higashihara, Takashi Oyama. Early sports specialization in Japanese young soccer players and related factors. PLOS ONE. 2024. 19. 8. e0302339-e0302339
Mako Fukano, Kento Nakagawa, Ayako Higashihara, Takayuki Inami, Takaya Narita. Damage and recovery of the intrinsic and extrinsic foot muscles from running a full marathon. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 2023. 33. 8. 1486-1493
Ayako Higashihara, Kento Nakagawa, Genki Futatsubashi, Hirofumi Sekiguchi, Yasuharu Nagano, Norikazu Hirose. Differences in the recruitment properties of the corticospinal pathway between the biceps femoris and rectus femoris muscles. Brain research. 2022. 1790. 147963-147963
Ayako Higashihara, Jurdan Mendiguchia, Takashi Ono, Yasuharu Nagano, Shogo Sasaki, Shinshiro Mineta, Norikazu Hirose. Neuromuscular responses of the hamstring and lumbopelvic muscles during unanticipated trunk perturbations. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2021
Mako Fukano, Kento Nakagawa, Takayuki Inami, Ayako Higashihara, Satoshi Iizuka, Takaya Narita, Toshihiro Maemichi, Akane Yoshimura, Shota Yamaguchi, Shigeo Iso. Increase in foot arch asymmetry after full marathon completion. Journal of sports sciences. 2021. 39. 21. 1-7
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永野 康治, 嶋田 祥磨, 東原 綾子, 笹木 正悟. 大学男子バスケットボール選手における等速性股関節トルクおよび方向転換能力との関係について. Journal of training science for exercise and sport = トレーニング科学. 2017. 29. 1. 65-70
An increasing knee varus angle is a risk factor for lateral ankle sprain during single leg landing -16 months cohort study-
(24th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science 2019)