Hideyuki Tashiro, Sota Hirosaki, Yui Sato, Megumi Toki, Hikaru Ihira, Naoki Kozuka. Dual-task interference of reactive stepping kinematics for balance recovery strategies in older adults. Human Movement Science. 2024. 98. 103291
Development of the Self-Assessment Self-Disclosure Questionnaire to Examine the Association between Self-Disclosure and Frailty among Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Japan. Geriatrics. 2024. 9. 3
Hideyuki Tashiro, Sota Hirosaki, Yui Sato, Megumi Toki, Hikaru Ihira, Naoki Kozuka. The effect of cognitive tasks on reactive stepping in young and older adults. Gait & Posture. 2023
Yui Sato, Hideyuki Tashiro, Kanta Fukumoto, Sota Hirosaki, Megumi Toki, Naoki Kozuka. Physical activity is associated with walking and balance ability but not fatigue, knee extension strength, or body composition in adults with cerebral palsy: a pilot cross-sectional study. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research. 2023
Tashiro H, Sato y, Kanta F, Toki M, Kozuka N. Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Lateral Reactive Stepping in Individuals with Chronic Stroke. Journal of Motor Behavior. 2022. Published online. 6. 744-754
Outcomes and Measurement in Rehabilitation Research and Practice - The State of Science
(American Congress of Rehabilitation and Medicine 94th Annual Conference 2017)