Yuki Nozaki, Ryota Kobayashi. Instrumental motives in emotion regulation of one’s own and others’ anger: Testing cross-cultural similarities and differences between European Americans and Japanese. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 2024. 55. 2. 189-215
Yuki Nozaki, Moïra Mikolajczak. Effectiveness of extrinsic emotion regulation strategies in text-based online communication. Emotion. 2023. 23. 6. 1714-1725
Shogo Kajimura, Yuki Nozaki, Takayuki Goto, Jonathan Smallwood. Not all daydreaming is equal: A longitudinal investigation of social and general daydreaming and marital relationship quality. Frontiers in Psychology. 2022. 13. 904025
Instrumental motives in anger regulation: A cross-cultural comparison in European-American and Japanese populations
(Society for Affective Science 2023 Annual Conference 2023)