Satoshi Yamagata, Tatsuya Nakata, James Rogers. On effective learning of English collocations: From perspectives of distributed practice and semantic restructuring. TESOL Journal (Wiley). 2024. 15. 2. 1-13
Yamagata, S, Nakata, T, Rogers, J. Effects of distributed practice on the acquisition of verb-noun collocations. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge University Press). 2022. 45. 2. 291-317
Satoshi Yamagata. Comparing core-image-based basic verb learning in an EFL junior high school: Learner-centered and teacher-centered approaches. Language Teaching Research (SAGE). 2018. 22. 1. 65-93
Yamagata, S, Yoshida, H. Image-based basic verb learning through learner-centred and teacher-centred approaches ーA case study on Japanese EFL junior high school students. Theory and Practice in Language Studies. 2015. 5. 4. 679-679
Effects of spacing and massing on the acquisition of verb-noun collocations: From item learning and system learning perspectives (The University of Barcelona, Spain [Zoom])
(The 30th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association (EuroSLA) 2021)
Learning verb-noun collocations using gap-fill and textual enhancement reading aloud exercises (Auckland University of Technology; New Zealand)
(ALANZ/ALAA/ALTAANZ Conference 2017 2017)
Raising Japanese junior high school students’ grammatical awareness through dictoglosses (Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia)
(The 14th Asia TEFL and 11th FEELTA International Conference 2016)