J-GLOBAL ID:201701015297906885   更新日: 2023年07月24日

アイビンス スティーブン

Ivings Steven Edward
研究分野 (1件): 経済史
研究キーワード (5件): 条約港 ,  北海道史 ,  樺太史 ,  グローバル史 ,  社会経済史 経営史
論文 (16件):
  • Steven Ivings. Averting a Great Divergence: State and Economy in Japan, 1868-1937. JAPAN FORUM. 2022. 34. 5. 675-677
  • Steven Ivings. Western Merchants and the Meiji Transition: John Henry Duus at Treaty Port Hakodate (Part Two 1868-89). Shashi: the Journal of Japanese Business and Company History. 2022. 7. 1
  • American Pacific Whaling at Hakodate before the Meiji Restoration. 教養諸學研究. 2022. 150. 1-23
  • Steven Ivings. Overcoming Empire in PostImperial East Asia: Repatriation, Redress and Rebuilding. JAPAN REVIEW. 2022. 37. 187-189
  • Steven Ivings. British Trade at Hakodate during the Boshin War. The Twelfth International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 12). 2022
書籍 (4件):
  • “Settling the Frontier and Defending the North: "Farmer-Solders" in Hokkaido's Colonial Development and National Reconciliation”, in Fuess, H. & Hellyer, R. (eds.) The Meiji Restoration: Japan as a Global Nation
    Cambridge University Press 2020
  • Global Diasporas in the Age of High Imperialism
    Peter Lang 2018
  • "Settler Colony or Labour Destination? Karafuto as a Japanese Colony" in Global Diasporas in the Age of High Imperialism
    Peter Lang 2018
  • "The Economic Reintegration of Former Colonial Residents in Postwar Japan" in The Economic and Business History of Occupied Japan: New Perspectives, Thomas French (ed.)
    Routledge 2017
学位 (3件):
  • PhD Economic History (LSE Department of Economic History)
  • MA Japanese Studies (SOAS Department of Japanese Studies)
  • BSc Economic History (LSE Department of Economic History)
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