J-GLOBAL ID:201701015297906885
更新日: 2023年07月24日
アイビンス スティーブン
Ivings Steven Edward
研究キーワード (5件):
, 北海道史
, 樺太史
, グローバル史
, 社会経済史 経営史
論文 (16件):
Steven Ivings. Averting a Great Divergence: State and Economy in Japan, 1868-1937. JAPAN FORUM. 2022. 34. 5. 675-677
Steven Ivings. Western Merchants and the Meiji Transition: John Henry Duus at Treaty Port Hakodate (Part Two 1868-89). Shashi: the Journal of Japanese Business and Company History. 2022. 7. 1
American Pacific Whaling at Hakodate before the Meiji Restoration. 教養諸學研究. 2022. 150. 1-23
Steven Ivings. Overcoming Empire in PostImperial East Asia: Repatriation, Redress and Rebuilding. JAPAN REVIEW. 2022. 37. 187-189
Steven Ivings. British Trade at Hakodate during the Boshin War. The Twelfth International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 12). 2022
書籍 (4件):
“Settling the Frontier and Defending the North: "Farmer-Solders" in Hokkaido's Colonial Development and National Reconciliation”, in Fuess, H. & Hellyer, R. (eds.) The Meiji Restoration: Japan as a Global Nation
Cambridge University Press 2020
Global Diasporas in the Age of High Imperialism
Peter Lang 2018
"Settler Colony or Labour Destination? Karafuto as a Japanese Colony" in Global Diasporas in the Age of High Imperialism
Peter Lang 2018
"The Economic Reintegration of Former Colonial Residents in Postwar Japan" in The Economic and Business History of Occupied Japan: New Perspectives, Thomas French (ed.)
Routledge 2017
学位 (3件):
- PhD Economic History (LSE Department of Economic History)
- MA Japanese Studies (SOAS Department of Japanese Studies)
- BSc Economic History (LSE Department of Economic History)