- 2018/10 - 総務省 異能(inno)vation ジェネレーションアワード部門分野賞受賞
- 2018/09 - 日本ロボット学会 The 36th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ 2018) International Session BEST PAPER AWARD
- 2017/09 - IEEE IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2017) Best Paper Award Finalist on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (in memory of Motohiro Kisoi)
- 2016/09 - 日本ロボット学会 第4回 Advanced Robotics 誌論文賞
- 2016/06 - 人工知能学会 研究会優秀賞
- 2015/10 - IEEE IEEE-RAS International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR) Innovative Paper Award
- 2015/10 - IEEE IEEE-RAS International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics Best Demonstration Award
- 2014/09 - 日本ロボット学会 第二回Advanced Robotics 誌論文賞
- 2013/06 - International Society of Applied Intelligence (ISAI) Best Paper Award (1st Prize), International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems(IEA/AIE 2013)
- 2012/06 - 人工知能学会 研究会優秀賞
- 2011/10 - IEEE International Conference on Intellignet Robots and Systems (IROS 2011) BEST PAPER Nomination Finalist
- 2010/06 - International Society of Applied Intelligence (ISAI) A Best Paper Award, International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems(IEA/AIE 2010)
- 2009/06 - 人工知能学会 研究会優秀賞
- 2009/06 - IEEE Vail Computer Elements Workshop Best paper award (3rd place)
- 2008/10 - IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2008) New Technology Foundation (NTF) Award For Entertainment Robots and Systems Finalist
- 2006/12 - 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会 優秀講演賞
- 2003/03 - (財)船井情報科学振興財団 船井情報科学振興賞
- 2002/10 - IEEE International Conference on Intellignet Robots and Systems (IROS 2001) BEST PAPER Nomination Finalist
- 2002/03 - (財)電気通信普及財団 テレコムシステム技術賞
- 2001/06 - International Society of Applied Intelligence (ISAI) Best Paper Award (1st Prize), International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems(IEA/AIE 2001)
- 2000/10 - Best Paper Award, International Conference on Information Society (IS-2000)