J-GLOBAL ID:201801000176060105   更新日: 2024年04月15日

古川 亜矢子

フルカワ アヤコ | Furukawa Ayako
ホームページURL (1件): https://researchmap.jp/a_a
研究分野 (1件): 構造生物化学
研究キーワード (1件): 構造生物学
競争的資金等の研究課題 (10件):
  • 2023 - 2025 クロマトソーム中のヒストンテイルとDNA間の動的相互作用解析
  • 2021 - 2024 液液相分離したリン酸化HP1αのヌクレオソーム結合への機能解明
  • 2021 - 2023 ヌクレオソームDNAとヒストンテイル間の動的な相互作用解析
  • 2017 - 2021 リアルタイムNMRによるDNAメチル化酵素の作用機序の解明
  • 2015 - 2017 インプリント遺伝子のDNAメチル化模様を制御するDnmt3aの過渡的複合体
論文 (34件):
  • Hideaki Ohtomo, Shinsuke Ito, Nicholas J. McKenzie, Michael Uckelmann, Masatoshi Wakamori, Haruhiko Ehara, Ayako Furukawa, Yasuo Tsunaka, Marika Shibata, Shun-ichi Sekine, et al. H2A ubiquitination alters H3-tail dynamics on linker-DNA to enhance H3K27 methylation. Journal of Molecular Biology. 2023. 167936-167936
  • Yasuo Tsunaka, Ayako Furukawa, Yoshifumi Nishimura. Histone tail network and modulation in a nucleosome. Current opinion in structural biology. 2022. 75. 102436-102436
  • Ayako Furukawa, Masatoshi Wakamori, Yasuhiro Arimura, Hideaki Ohtomo, Yasuo Tsunaka, Hitoshi Kurumizaka, Takashi Umehara, Yoshifumi Nishimura. Characteristic H3 N-tail dynamics in the nucleosome core particle, nucleosome, and chromatosome. iScience. 2022. 25. 3. 103937-103937
  • Ayako Furukawa, Erik Walinda, Kyohei Arita, Kenji Sugase. Structural dynamics of double-stranded DNA with epigenome modification. Nucleic acids research. 2020. 49. 2. 1152-1162
  • Ayako Furukawa, Masatoshi Wakamori, Yasuhiro Arimura, Hideaki Ohtomo, Yasuo Tsunaka, Hitoshi Kurumizaka, Takashi Umehara, Yoshifumi Nishimura. Acetylated histone H4 tail enhances histone H3 tail acetylation by altering their mutual dynamics in the nucleosome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2020. 117. 33. 19661-19663
MISC (39件):
  • Nagpal Harsh, 堀 哲也, Furukawa Ayako, 菅瀬 謙治, 越阪部 晃永, 胡桃坂 仁志, 深川 竜郎. 細胞周期中のCCANの構成の動的な変化(Dynamic Change of CCAN organization during the cell cycle). 日本生化学会大会・日本分子生物学会年会合同大会講演要旨集. 2015. 88回・38回. [2T23-13(2P0113)]
  • Deamination mechanism of an anti-HIV APOBEC3G coupled with sliding on single-stranded DNA as analyzed by real-time NMR monitoring method. The 41st International Symposium on Nucleic Acids Chemistry. 2014
  • Kanba, K, Mashima, T, Okamura, H, Furukawa, A, Sugase, K, Nishimura, H, Watanabe, T, Nagata, T, Katahira, M. Real-time NMR monitoring of enzymatic reaction of anti-HIV protein, structure of anti-prion RNA aptamer and wood biomass analysis. The 5th Japan-Taiwan NMR symposium. 2014
  • Functional mechanism of an anti-HIV protein, APOBEC3G, as revealed by real-time NMR monitoring of its enzymatic reaction. XXVIth International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems. 2014
  • K. Kanba, A. Furukawa, K. Sugase, R. Morishita, T. Nagata, M. Katahira. Functional mechanism of anti-HIV protein, APOBEC3G, elucidated by real-time monitoring of enzymatic reaction, and anti-prion activity of an RNA aptamer with its structural basis. The 45th Annual Meeting of Korean Magnetic Resonance Society. 2014
特許 (1件):
書籍 (1件):
  • エピジェネティクス実験スタンダード〜もう悩まない! ゲノム機能制御の読み解き方 (実験医学別冊)
    羊土社 2017 ISBN:475810199X
受賞 (2件):
  • 2021/08 - 日本核磁気共鳴学会 進歩賞 溶液NMR法を用いた核酸-タンパク質の動的な相互作用の機構解明
  • 2011/11 - 日本核磁気共鳴学会 第50回NMR討論会記念国際シンポジウム若手ポスター賞
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