J-GLOBAL ID:201801000550965826   更新日: 2024年11月29日

浜端 朋子

ハマバタ トモコ | Hamabata Tomoko
その他の所属(所属・部署名・職名) (1件):
  • 変動海洋エコシステム高等研究所 (WPI-AIMEC)  沿岸生態系サービス研究ユニット 
研究分野 (2件): 生態学、環境学 ,  水圏生命科学
競争的資金等の研究課題 (3件):
  • 2024 - 2028 遺伝的要因がウミガメ類の個体数回復に及ぼす影響の解明
  • 2021 - 2025 ウミガメ類における過去の種間交雑と遺伝子浸透による新規環境適応の検証
  • 2018 - 2021 アオウミガメの個体数増加が藻場に与える生態学的インパクトの解明
論文 (23件):
  • Takashi Ishihara, Naoki Kamezaki, Saya Hirai, Yoshimasa Matsuzawa, Tomoko Hamabata, Asuka Ishizaki, Peter H. Dutton. Genetic characteristics of loggerhead turtles in the coastal corridor of the North West Pacific, around the Cape Muroto, Japan. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2024. 11
  • Tomoko Hamabata, Kazunari Kameda, Ryota Hayashi, Junichi Okuyama, Isao Kawazu, Hideaki Nishizawa. Latest and comprehensive mitochondrial DNA haplotype data on green and hawksbill turtles collected in their habitats in Japan. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2024. 11
  • Connie Ka Yan Ng, Takashi Ishihara, Tomoko Hamabata, Hideaki Nishizawa, Min Liu, Jia-hao Song, Tsung Hsien Li, Chia-Ling Fong, Dae Yeon Moon, Il Hun Kim. Overview of the population genetics and connectivity of sea turtles in the East Asia Region and their conservation implications. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2024. 11
  • Tomoko Hamabata, Masakado Kawata, Satomi Kondo, Ayumi Matsuo, Yoshihisa Suyama, Kazuyuki Suzuki, Kazunari Kameda. Twenty-year changes in the composition of a mixed stock of foraging green turtles in the Yaeyama Islands of Japan. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2023. 716. 93-105
  • Miho Sakao, Tomoko Hamabata, Katsufumi Sato, Shinichi Watanabe, Ken Yoda, Kozue Shiomi. Absence of Genetic Structure among Streaked Shearwaters Calonectris leucomelas Breeding in Japan, Despite Limited Dispersal Events. Ornithological Science. 2023. 22. 2. 111-121
MISC (5件):
講演・口頭発表等 (6件):
  • Balancing marine life: towards managing green turtles and seagrass ecosystems in Okinawa, Japan
    (The Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences (XMAS 2025) 2025)
  • Balancing marine life: towards managing green turtles and seagrass ecosystems in Okinawa, Japan
    (4th Annual Hawaii Pacific University Sea Turtle Workshop 2024)
  • Surviving the Northernmost waters: Genetic insights into green turtles' adaptation in Japan
    (42nd International Sea Turtle Symposium 2024)
  • Exploring the Adaptation of Green Turtles: Genetic Signatures of the Northernmost Population
    (3rd AsiaEvo International Conference 2023)
  • The level of bottleneck experienced by endangered green turtles
    (日本生態学会第70回大会 2023)
学位 (1件):
  • 博士(理学) (京都大学)
所属学会 (2件):
日本進化学会 ,  日本生態学会
※ J-GLOBALの研究者情報は、researchmapの登録情報に基づき表示しています。 登録・更新については、こちらをご覧ください。
