J-GLOBAL ID:201801000935272295
更新日: 2024年10月06日
稲田 貴子
イナダ タカコ | Inada Takako
研究キーワード (3件):
, 教育心理学
, 社会言語学
競争的資金等の研究課題 (4件):
- 2019 - 2024 Investigating the effective factors to improve Japanese college students' English proficiency: A perspective from students' affective needs
- 2015 - 2015 Field work in Japan (follow-up interviews with teachers)
- 2014 - Why do Japanese EFL college students feel foreign language classroom anxiety (FLCA)?
- 2014 - 2014 The relationship between foreign language anxiety (FLA) and the first language use in classroom interaction in a Japanese university
論文 (11件):
Inada, T, Inada, T. Lower Anxiety in Class Could be Expected to Have Improved English Proficiency. International Medical Journal. 2022. 29. 3. 184-187
Inada, T. Levels of Enjoyment in Class Are Closely Related to Improved English Proficiency. English Language Teaching. 2022. 15. 5. 69-76
Inada, T. The Causes of Anxiety in Highly Anxious Students in Japanese Communicative EFL Classes. English Language Teaching. 2022. 15. 2. 1-8
INADA, T. What Factors are Associated with College Students' Anxiety in Communicative English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Classes in Japan?. International Medical Journal. 2021. 28. 6. 633-636
Inada, T. Target Language Use in Communicative English Lessons: The Emotional Perspective. English Language Teaching. 2021. 14. 11. 1-8
講演・口頭発表等 (2件):
Insights from a Mixed-Methods Analysis of a Student-Centered Language Learning
(AILA 60th Aniversary World Congress 2024)
(日本保健医療大学 市民公開講座 2022)
学歴 (3件):
- 2011 - 2017 Birkbeck, University of London Applied Linguistics and Communications TESOL
- 2010 - 2011 New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development TESOL
- 1998 - 2001 Teachers College, Columbia University TESOL TESOL
学位 (2件):
- 博士 (英国ロンドン大学)
- 修士 (米国コロンビア大学)
経歴 (2件):
- 2017/04 - 現在 Japan University of Health Sciences Nursing Professor
- 2006/04 - 2010/03 Kanda University of International Studies International Communication Lecturer
委員歴 (1件):