Kaoru Hidaka, Masanori Kubota, Taku Yukawa. Life after exile: Introducing a new dataset on post-exile fate. Conflict Management and Peace Science. 2024. Accepted
Taku Yukawa, Masafumi Fujita, Kaoru Hidaka, Kaori Kushima. Our Rule is Only Temporary: Promises of the Military after a Coup and their Influence on Domestic and International Reactions. International Politics. 2023. 60. 6. 1187-1208
Kaori Kushima, Taku Yukawa, Kaoru Hidaka, Masanori Kubota. What do you call the political upheaval? The conceptual linkage between revolutions and coups. Democratization. 2023. 30. 5. 836-854
Taku Yukawa, Kaoru Hidaka, Kaori Kushima, Masafumi Fujita. Coup d’état and a Democratic Signal: The Connection between Protests and Coups after the Cold War. Journal of Peace Research. 2022. 59. 6. 828-843
Taku Yukawa, Kaoru Hidaka, Masanori Kubota, Kaori Kushima. Losing Power Safely: Explaining the Variation in Dictators’ Responses to Anti-Regime Protest. Politics & Policy. 2022. 50. 2. 274-297
Yuki Matsuura, Masanori Kubota, Kaoru Hidaka, Taku Yukawa. Who Pursues the Bomb? Leaders’Education Abroad and the Development of Weapons of Mass Destruction. OSIPP Discussion Paper. 2024. DP-2024-E-005
Masanori Kubota, Kaoru Hidaka, Taku Yukawa. The Post-Exile Fate of Leaders: A New Dataset. OSIPP Discussion Paper. 2022. DP-2022-E-001