J-GLOBAL ID:201801004247256460   更新日: 2024年01月30日

ジョージ オニール

O'Neal George
職名: 准教授
研究分野 (1件): 外国語教育
研究キーワード (6件): 会話分析 ,  音韻論 ,  音声学 ,  国際通用語としての英語 ,  分かりやすさ ,  明瞭性
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
  • 2019 - 2021 The relationship between interaction, intelligibility, comprehensibility, and speaking confidence among Non-native English speakers
  • 2017 - 2019 Mutual intelligibility among non-native speakers
論文 (12件):
  • George O’Neal. Does contextual information within a sentence affect the relationship between word level intelligibility and the Functional Load principle among ELF users? A preliminary study. Asian Englishes. 2023. 1-17
  • Does the Functional Load Principle Predict How Important Phonemic Contrasts Are to Intelligibility Among ELF Users? A Partial Replication of Munro and Derwing (2006) From an ELF Perspective. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics. 2023. 46. 1. 3-18
  • George O'Neal. What is the effect of successive segmental repair on the mutual intelligibility of ELF users?. System. 2021. 103. 102683-102683
  • George O’Neal. Does an ELF phonology exist?. Asian Englishes. 2020. 1-15
  • George O’Neal. Systematicity in linguistic feature selection: Repair sequences and subsequent accommodation. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca. 2019. 8. 2. 211-233
書籍 (2件):
  • Pragmatics at Its Interfaces (Mouton Series in Pragmatics
    Mouton De Gruyter 2017
  • Waseda working papers in ELF, Vol. 5
    Waseda ELF Research Group 2016
講演・口頭発表等 (16件):
  • 国際英語における明瞭性
    (「国際英語」教育に関する研究会 2021)
  • Functional Load and Intelligibility among Japanese and Chinese ELF Users: A Partial Replication Experiment of Munro & Derwing (2006)
    (JALT 2019)
  • The Formation of Interactional Intelligibility due to Segmental Repair among ELF Dyads
    (10th Annual Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching 2018)
  • The Repair Salience Hypothesis
    (11th Annual English as a Lingua Franca Conference 2018)
  • The Interaction Hypothesis
    (11th Annual English as a Lingua Franca 2018)
学歴 (4件):
  • 2016 - 2019 Waseda University Education English Education
  • 2009 - 2012 Niigata University Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture Global Community
  • 2006 - 2008 San Francisco State University English Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages
  • 1997 - 2001 UC Berkeley East Asian Languages Japanese Literature
学位 (1件):
  • 博士号 (早稲田大学)
所属学会 (2件):
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