Satoshi FUJIMURA. Nassau William Senior and the Poor Laws: Why Workhouses Improved the Industriousness of the Poor. History of Economics Review. 2018. 70. 1. 49-59
【書評】Steven King, Paul Carter, Natalie Carter, Peter Jones, and Carol Beardmore, In Their Own Write: Contesting the New Poor Law, 1834-1900, McGill - Queen's University Press, 2022. マルサス学会年報. 2024. 33. 103-107
藤村哲史. 【書評】Paul Oslington, Political Economy as Natural Theology: Smith, Malthus and Their Followers, London and New York, Routledge, 2017. マルサス学会年報. 2020. 29. 147-151
Controversy between Malthus and Senior on the Principle of Population
(2021年度 経済学史学会関東部会 2021)
Nassau William Senior and the Workhouse
(Kyoto Conference 2019 on James Mill and John Stuart Mill / Classical Political Economy 同志社大学 2019)
The Workhouse and New Poor Law: The Workhouse Thought of N. W. Senior
(22nd Summer School on History of Economic Thought, Economic Philosophy and Economic History, Porto(Portugal) 2019)
Controversy on the Principle of Population between Malthus and Senior
(The 31th Conference of History of Economic Thought Society of Australia(HETSA2018), Purse(Australia) 2018)
The Educational Thought of N.W. Senior
(Kyoto Conference on Classical Political Economy 同志社大学 2018)