Harushige Seo, Eriko Ansai, Tetsuya Sase, Takumi Saito, Tsuyoshi Takano, Yosuke Kojima, Tsukasa Waki. Introduction of a snake trematode of the genus Ochetosoma in eastern Japan. Parasitology International. 2024. 103. 102947-102947
Eriko Ansai, Masato Nitta, Takumi Saito, Yosuke Kojima, Tsukasa Waki. The first intermediate host of the invasive frog trematode Glypthelmins quieta in Japan. Diseases of aquatic organisms. 2024. 159. 9-14
Tsukasa Waki, Masaki Hoso, Masato Nitta, Harushige Seo, Misako Urabe. A new species of the genus Paradistomum (Platyhelminthes: Trematoda) from Iwasaki’s snail-eating snake Pareas iwasakii, with a note on morphological variations of Paradistomum megareceptaculum (Tamura, 1941). Systematic Parasitology. 2024. 101. 3
T. Waki, T. Kumagai, Y. Nishino. Identification of Lepidapedon oregonense as the current world’s deepest trematode. Journal of Helminthology. 2024. 98
Tsukasa Waki, Sergey Mironov, Yumiko Nakaya, Takashi Nagamine, Satoshi Shimano. A New Feather Mite Species of the Genus Metanalges (Acariformes: Analgidae) from the Okinawa Rail, <i>Hypotaenidia okinawae</i> (Gruiformes: Rallidae), in Okinawa Island, Japan. Species Diversity. 2024. 29. 1. 161-169
脇 司, 古澤 春紀, 島野 智之. 茨城県で採集された日本で2例目のニュウムラカタツムリダニ-Report of Riccardoella (Proriccardoella) triodopsis Fain and Klompen, 1990 from Ibaraki Prefecture, the Second Record in Japan. 茨城県自然博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of Ibaraki Nature Museum / ミュージアムパーク茨城県自然博物館 編. 2021. 24. 69-71
脇 司, 亀田 勇一, 平野 尚浩, 島野 智之. 琉球列島における樹上性陸産貝類オキナワヤマタカマイマイ類(ニッポンマイマイ属)へのカタツムリダニ属Riccardoella(胸板ダニ上目: 汎ケダニ目: ヤワスジダニ科)の寄生状況-Parasitic situation of Riccardoella (Acariformes: Trombidiformes: Ereynetidae) on arboreal Satsuma land snail species in the Ryukyu Islands. 沖縄生物学会誌 = The Biological magazine, Okinawa. 2021. 59. 11-17
倉持 利明, 脇 司, 巖城 隆, 高野 剛史, 小川 和夫. 自然教育園における寄生蠕虫類および寄生性ダニ類調査-Surveys on parasitic helminths and mites in the Institute for Nature Study. 自然教育園報告 = Miscellaneous reports of the Institute for Nature Study / 国立科学博物館附属自然教育園 編. 2019. 51. 147-153
脇 司, 島野 智之, 浅見 崇比呂, 宮井 卓人, 佐々木 健志. 沖縄島から得られた陸貝に寄生するダイダイカタツムリダニ(新称)Riccardoella reaumuri Fain and van Goethem, 1986(胸板ダニ上目:ケダニ目:ヤワスジダニ科)の日本初記録-Riccardoella reaumuri Fain and van Goethem, 1986 (Acariformes: Trombidiformes: Ereynetidae) from terrestrial mollusks in Okinawajima Island, as first record from Japan. 沖縄生物学会誌 = The Biological magazine, Okinawa. 2018. 56. 27-31